DHS Announcements


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 

1) School Closed: due to a mandate from the Governor, all Dixon Public Schools are closed through April 30. Remote Learning will be taking place during the closure.

2) Scholarship Applications: must be turned in no later than Thursday, April 16. They can be dropped off at the school or emailed to dcibu@dps170.org.
3) Band Instruments: and music can be picked up (you must call first) Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 2:30 pm. Please call ahead and someone will meet you at door 9.

4) Canvas Help: if classes are not showing in your Canvas Dashboard: 
      A) In the Left Menu Column, Click on “Courses”
      B) Click “All Courses”
      C) Scroll through the list of courses and click on the star in front of the courses you want          to have show in the dashboard.